Spencer's Birth Injury

A road to recovery

Developmental milestones and yummy food!

on May 5, 2012

Okay, I’m over my “I hate that this has happened” moment and I’m moving on. I just need to have those days once in a while. However, this post is not about that, but about the achievements Spencer has made to date!

Rolling: And he’s off and rolling like a mad monkey! I can’t leave him unattended at the moment. It started with him rolling on to his Erb’s arm and getting kinda stuck in position. Then he would roll onto his Erb’s arm all the way over. Now he’ll roll either way, on to his Erb’s arm or on to his non-Erb’s arm.

Crawling: Spencer is showing signs of wanting to crawl. Today he did a mini-combat crawl, in that he crawled by using his non-Erb’s arm then his Erb’s arm and then he rolled over. My understanding of this injury is that he will most likely do the combat crawl or bum shuffle crawl. My preference is that he use his hands but I know that this may never happen.

Sitting: Speaking of bum shuffling, once he becomes more stable he may start this. Spencer can sit for a prolonged period of time and only falls over when he’s reaching for something or flinging his arm with a toy in it. He’s finding his centre of gravity. This will be different from other babies who do not have the same injury as he does.

Talking: My oh my, with parents like Peter and I, Spencer will be Mr. talker in no time. He’s babbling ‘mama’ ‘baba’ and blowing raspberries. He even makes up stories as he blab, blab, blab followed by a hearty laugh. For those not in China ‘baba’ is what they use for dad or father.

Food: Oh boy does this kid love food! We had him out for Nepalese food the other night, obviously we didn’t give him the spicy stuff but he loved the cheese balls(a potato and cheese combination deep fried). And last night he tried taco food–spicy ground chicken with some cheese and sour cream. Other food he has tried that he likes to eat–curried sweet potatoes(which I make) and a Honduras stuffed pepper(bell pepper with rice and ground meat with spice). And tofu! The kid loves Tofu! Spencer just loves food! He loves to sit and watch me cook in the kitchen and he loves to try all sorts of food. To date he has only disliked two items. Green peas and Green Beans.

General Disposition: I would say that we’re pretty blessed to have Spencer in our lives. He is just a happy go lucky and social baby. He gets on well with everyone he meets and smiles right back at them. He doesn’t know what has happened to him and his shining spirit reminds me every day that I am blessed with his presence.

One response to “Developmental milestones and yummy food!

  1. Hendy says:

    Dare to hope! I never thought my son would do certain things and he surprised me over and over. Including regular crawling on his hands.

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