Spencer's Birth Injury

A road to recovery

One of those days

on April 26, 2012

I’m sure all those OBPI moms out there can relate but today I’m having one of those “Why did this happen to my precious little one and why can’t my child ever be like the other kids” kinda days. Perusing Facebook at pictures of other little ones who were born at or around the same time as Spencer and I see some of them sitting already and moving around and picking things up while Spencer has to do everything with one hand. Don’t get me wrong, I’m genuinely happy for these people and the wonder of their child but I get so frustrated knowing that Spencer could be sitting and showing signs of crawling now but because of his injury he’ll be delayed. It’s also frustrating knowing that these delays can have an impact on his overall learning. I’m also just frustrated because I’m anxious to know what Shriners in Montreal has to say about our case and I just want to get to Canada where Spencer can get the help he needs to at least get to a level of movement in his arm.

Thanks for listening. On the brighter side he’s becoming quite the talker.


One response to “One of those days

  1. Peter says:

    Its exciting to see where Spencer is at when we consider “Babies at 7 months” re: http://www.babycenter.ca/baby/development/07mth/

    On the flip side, yes – each baby is unique and develops at their own pace. We’re just anxious to get him back to a Canadian hospital and hear what the doctors have to say about his right arm. Erb Palsy is serious and can have an impact on his physical health even if there is a recovery in the early stages..

    We’re thankful for our life experiences that have given us some strength and friends plus others that have reached out to share thoughts/experiences.

    Peter aka @ourmaninsh aka father to lilourmaninsh

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