Spencer's Birth Injury

A road to recovery

What’s the latest?

on June 11, 2014

I always said I would never start a blog with “sorry it’s been a while” but it really has been. The last entry was 2012 and lot has happened in that time span!

We were originally in Montreal being followed by the wonderful team at Shriners Hospital. Spencer was receiving weekly OT sessions until his Botox injection in June 2013. He had to wear a cast for 4 weeks during some of the hottest weeks. To top it off his favorite parks had nothing but sand all around so no climbers or other park adventures. He did, however, become really good at kicking a ball around. We saw some improvement in his ROM. He is a strong boy to begin with but now he was able to lift to normal and just a bit above.

In December 2013 we moved to Ontario and proceeded to seek out care with the Toronto sick kids hospital and Thames Valley Children’s Centre. We were able to get care through TVCC and had a lovely OT come to our house. We also met the word famous Dr. Clarke and his team at Sick Kids. The good news is that no surgical intervention needed at this point and home stretches and active play for his ROM.

Spencer will always have some limited movement with his right hand and arm, but it has never slowed him down. Some of his favorite activities are self therapy based play. We have a climber with a monkey bar swing that he tries to hang from. A climber where he pulls himself up, a bike pump where he pushes up and down and his most favorite is for us to kick an exercise ball at him where he falls down– learning to fall and catch himself.

So to you new parents struggling out there, keep chin up and push forward!

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