Spencer's Birth Injury

A road to recovery

Happy Mother’s Day

on May 13, 2012

Today North American’s and almost the rest of the world celebrate their mothers–save the Brit’s, they need to do it back in March–when May is sooo much more lovely with flowers in bloom.

Anyways–wanted to share about Spencer and his progress. He continues to meet most developmental milestones. He’s spending more time on his tummy and I suspect he’d be doing the combat crawl right now if he could figure out his Right arm. He’s an active little guy and I’m not sure what he would be like if he had two functioning arms–not that I would wish this on anyone–but I’m pretty sure I’ve got a dare-devil/runner on my hand. He has to be moving all the time. He’s down to two naps a day–a long one and then a short one or vice versa.

Teeth are a comin’ oh yeah–or something’s been bothering him so much that he screams while sleeping…it has to be his teeth. Spencer is fine during the day–a few moody moments but when it comes to sleeping in the last few days he’s been super cranky and super sore. It can only mean one thing–teeth…and please hurry and erupt in his mouth. I can’t take the sleepless nights any more. The other day while I was half awake I did two things. First, before I poured my coffee in my travel coffee mug I thought it would be fun to pour in cornflakes :-0 Then the other morning while I was preparing the coffee I decided that instead of coffee grinds in the filter that formula was perfectly acceptable. Man–please teeth come in!! Even this blog post is random posting ;-s

So Happy Mother’s Day to you all!

One response to “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. Nancy says:

    Oh boy! Hang in there Mama! I remember those days. I remember changing my youngest’s diaper totally not noticing that I had forgotten to put a new one on him. I just buttoned his sleeper back up over his bare (but clean) bottom. Oye!

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