Spencer's Birth Injury

A road to recovery

The positive side to Spencer’s Erbs

on March 25, 2012

As tragic and horrific it is that my son was born with a birth injury and as lucky and blessed as we are to have him I think there is a big positive to Spencer’s Erbs. Spencer was born to parents who were advocates for those who are disadvantaged before his birth and now more than ever we are advocates for him specifically.

Prior to meeting Peter he had done a lot of work with children with disabilities. He had also worked with adults in a palliative care situation. I’ve worked with children and youth who are socially, emotionally and behaviourally challenged. So we both know how to advocate for Spencer to get his needs met. It’s not to say that parents of disabled or challenged children are not advocates in their own right, however; we were doing it before it entered into our own back yard.

This can have a negative effect with other professionals. We are those annoying parents who research everything, ask millions of questions and challenge professionals in their opinions. I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of those questions and challenges.

Spencer is also lucky that I am now working in an ECE setting. I have a huge repertoire of action songs that I use with him. This will benefit him with his PT–as we will do action songs that help build the strength of his little arm without using the ‘exercise’ word. Also, because I work in the education field I have worked with many professionals including OT’s, so I know a little bit about what he needs to work on some of the fine motor skill development and other sensory related activities.

Spencer has another huge advocate in his corner who is highly educated and understands a lot about the biology and science behind his injury and challenges us to ask the questions of the professionals. Peter and I are not hard scientists, we’re social scientist. His biggest advocate, beside his mama and baba, is his NaiNai-which is chinese for grandma. She challenges his parents who challenge the doctors.

So for all the trauma and tears there is a silver lining in Spencer’s birth injury.

4 responses to “The positive side to Spencer’s Erbs

  1. hendy says:

    Hi, I’m Hendy and my son has left erb’s palsy. Your Spencer is just adorable! I just found your blog and am pleased to have because I love reading anything erb’s palsy related. We have a facebook page where I track our progress. Your blog is much more detailed, and it’s great! Thanks for sharing your journey

  2. hey there, thanks for following my blog. i realised that your little son also has Erb’s Palsy like my daughter. i know it’s not easy but just hang in there and do all that you can for him :))

    • Thanks–I followed you because your daughter has Erbs and I just need to connect with other and hear other stories. So I enjoy reading your blog. Although, you’re much more active than I am!!

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